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Industrialisation in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

Németh Györgyi

Németh Györgyi

Az óra címe angol nyelven:

Az óra időpontja:

Industrialisation in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

K 12-14

Az óra tanterv szerinti felhasználhatósága:


Az óra típusa:

Beszám. kötelezettség

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Az óra rövid tartalmi ismertetése:

The course will primarily present the main features of industrialisation in Europe in the past two centuries. First we will focus on the Industrial Revolution in England since it was the beginning of an historical phenomenon that made, and still makes, a fundamental impact on the whole planet. Then national and regional characteristics of industrialisation will be studied with special emphasis on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Industrial developments in all cases will be investigated from a comparative perspective. Finally, deindustrialisation will be analysed in the second half of the 20th century emphasising the role of the industrial heritage in the economy of the present days.


Az óra tematikája, vizsgakérdések stb.  részletes ismertetése:

1. Introduction

2-3. The Industrial Revolution in England

4-5. Industrialisation in western Europe

6-7. Industrial development in Scandinavia and in the Mediterranian

7-9. Industry in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

10. Worldwide structural changes and Europe in the second half of the 20th century

11. The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage, 2003.

12-13. From industry to industrial heritage: case studies

14. Discussion of final papers

15. Evaluation.

Jegy szerzésének feltételei:

Oral and written contribution to class discussion (70%), final paper (30%).

Fontosabb kötelező irodalom jegyzéke:

Berend, T. Iván and Ránki, György, Economic development in East-Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974.

Berend, T. Iván and Ránki, György, The European Periphery and Industrialization, 1780-1914. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

Cameron, Rondo, A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 1993, 162-270.

Good, David F., The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750-1914. Berkeley, 1984.

Landes, David S., The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. London: Abacus, 1999, 186-255.

Landes, David S., The Unbound Prometheus. Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present. Cambridge, 1990, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed., 2003, 41-!!!!!!!

Mathias, Peter, The First Industrial Nation. An Economic History of Britain. London, 1989.

Németh, Györgyi (ed.), Growth, Decline and Recovery. Heavy Industrial Regions in Transition. Budapest: Institute of History of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Miskolc: University of Miskolc, 2007,!!!!!!!!!!

The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage, 2003.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The transformation of Bergslagen: structural changes and survival Marie Nisser 47

The Scottish coal industry in the nationalised era, 1947 to 1997 Miles Oglethorpe 59

Wales and The International Collieries Study Stephen Hughes 71

The industrial heritage in the World Heritage Convention Henry Cleere

Mining on the Estate of Caprington, Ayrshire, Scotland John Crompton


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